Welcome, Principal Grace McCallum! Learn more about Branksome Hall's 8th Principal.
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Branksome Hall deeply values the importance of supporting our community with research-informed practices. Here are some current research projects that we are working on:

List of 3 items.

  • Technology Enhanced Learning and Innovation +

    Technology has fundamentally changed the classroom through the widespread use of tools such as the internet, video conferencing, learning management systems and online assessments. The future promises even further transformation: tutoring robots, artificial intelligence (AI), immersive virtual reality, and personalized learning journeys (OECD Digital Education Outlook, 2021). Although many of these tools show potential for teaching pedagogy and student success, little is known about how such tools might impact classroom dynamics, the role of the teacher, and how to use educational technologies safely and ethically. As a result, it is important to gain evidence-based understanding of the immersion of these tools and their adoption by teachers and students.

    To capture the innovation and transformation that is happening at Branksome Hall, the CRC’s program began a participatory approach that focuses on the needs, experiences and voices of teachers and students. Technology is explored as a collection of tools, which may change from person to person, department to department, and across time and technological advancement. The areas of research that will be explored focus on:
    • How technology is impacting classrooms from the lens of the evolving role of teachers;
    • How students’ learning experiences are changing due to technology, and the skills and supports required for success; and
    • The ethics of technology-enhanced learning, including accessibility, equity, privacy and surveillance.
    The ultimate goal of this program is to provide Branksome students and employees with voice, choice and a supportive community as they explore the evolving landscape of technology-enhanced teaching and learning.
  • The Road After: A Longitudinal Study Of Branksome Hall Graduates +

    This longitudinal study follows multiple cohorts of Branksome Hall graduates over a five-year period to uncover the impact of their schooling experiences on their post-secondary education, interests and development as young adults. Initiated in 2017, researchers continue to trace graduates’ diverse and evolving journeys. The study is anchored in four areas of inquiry: the impact of the International Baccalaureate (IB), their experiences of international mindedness, their well-being and their perceptions of leadership. This research aims to capture a rich and detailed portrait of the “road after” for Branksome Hall students while also revealing the transformation young women and non-binary individuals experience in early adult life.

    Check out our publications from this study:
  • Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Audit Report +

    As the culmination of the research completed by Anima Leadership, we are sharing the Branksome Hall DEI Audit Report: Summary of Findings and Action Plan 2023 that speaks to the results of the auditor’s detailed assessment of the experiences of our students, employees, alums and organizational processes. We invite you to join us in the action-planning process as we continue to make progress and identify ways to enhance the Branksome Hall experience for all. View the Report or visit our DEI Audit webpage.

Research Areas

Our research areas of interest focus on teaching and learning, well-being, international mindedness, and leadership. We are especially interested in research that focuses on female and non-binary student experience and uses empowering, participatory approaches to engaging faculty and students.

Collaborate With Us

Collaboration is a cornerstone value for the school. The CRC seeks to partner with schools, universities, and organizations on projects that complement our research priorities and advance the future of education. Submit a research partnership inquiry.

The CRC also reviews requests from external individuals and/or organizations applying to conduct research at Branksome Hall. This review process ensures that proper procedures and guidelines are followed in conducting research. Submit a research request form.
We wish to acknowledge this land on which Branksome operates. For thousands of years, it has been the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work and go to school on this land.

Setting the new standard for girls' education everywhere takes collective action. From all of us.